What Is Breadcrumbing? 10 Signs To Know If You Are Getting Breadcrumbed
Originally Published on ShaadiWish The Gen Z and modern dating world have come up with some interesting terms that you need to be aware of. These coined terms are to cut short the bullshit and call spade a spade. One such modern dating term is ‘Breadcrumbing’. Confused as to what it means? Don’t fret because we are here to enlighten you with the term and all the signs that you need to be looking for to ensure you aren’t getting ‘breadcrumbed’! Here Is All That You Need To Know About Breadcrumbing And Signs To Look For: What Is Breadcrumbing? The modern dating term ‘Breadcrumbing’ is known as a non-committal behavior in which one partner gives the other just enough time, attention, affection and affirmation to be romantically involved. However, not so much as to commit to something solid. To cut it short, breadcrumbing means faking romantic interest in a person without any intention to commit. A breadcrumber wants to keep you interested, even when they know they ...