
Showing posts with the label Barbie Wedding Theme

Ways To Add That ‘Barbie Pink’ Touch To Your Wedding

  Originally Published on  ShaadiWish With the on-going Barbie pink theme, we wouldn’t be surprised if you want to add this refreshing hue to your wedding. Known as the sweetest color in the color palette, pink is one such hue that pleases our eyes and tangles our senses too deep. So, if you wish to incorporate it to your wedding theme, then we are absolutely here to help you out! From outfits to jewellery or decor, ShaadiWish is here to setup you up with an inspirational mood board! Here Are 8 Fabulous Ways To Include That Barbie Pink Hue To Your Wedding: 1.       Pink Outfits Start with the outfits! Be it the bride or groom, adding a little pink here and there or going straight for the pink hue is a perfect way to incorporate the Barbie pink hue to your wedding. Ranging from the lightest hues of pink to the brightest ones, brides have been dolling up and looking all princessy in gorgeous pinks. Hitched & Clicked Plush Affairs Gone are the days where g...